Constitution, Bylaws & Meeting Minutes

Constitution, Bylaws & Meeting Minutes

General Meetings

Stop by and meet up with your fellow neighbors, join the discussion. Let us know how we can improve things in the neighborhood, or how we can keep doing things you like. This is your neighborhood, so please speak up and let us know what you think! Don’t be shy, join us for one, or all our events! Meetings are held in the Irondequoit United Church of Christ at 6:30 p.m. Dates are announced through the Briarwood Triangle website, Facebook page, through the mailing list, or via your Street Captain if you did not subscribe for electronic communication.

Board Meetings

Once a month, the board members meet to review the last general meeting, plan for the next one, and discuss ways to organize and implement activities in the neighborhood. General members are always welcome to come and participate. Meeting times and locations change every month, so if you’re interested in coming, please contact us by emailing

Spring Meeting Slideshow Google 2019

Here is the slideshow from the 2019 Spring General Meeting. It contains all of the discussion regarding Trick-or-Treating on Somershire as well.